Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Lost books... (Or my memory has lost them)...

In the Spring and summer of 2006, I started to design mini scrap books picture frames. I loved making them so much and was gearing up for the Christmas Bazaar that year. But My Mom's health was fading  and i left to be by her side that October and boxed my books up not knowing i would not be back for the Christmas Bazaar.
So the years go by and my books sat in boxes ... From time to time My sons would get the boxes out to show their Girl Friends and the girls would pick out of few they liked... then the boxes would be stored again
                                          Sides of the books
Today as i was  Tagging my Bags for the Bazaar i was looking around my Half storage Half Sewing room and saw the boxes... I was so excited to open them up and see if any of them were in good shape. I was so happy to see they all were nice and safe. Now i have to decided if i want to add them to all my Bags for the Bazaar...
Maybe i will :)  after all the memory keepers need to be holding some memories :) and DANG i wish i knew were the patterns are that i made to make them...


  1. What a box full of cuteness! I think you should take them to the craft fair. You really have a lot of great ideas. I know they would sell here. I'm so tired of craft boutiques where no one actually makes anything. Love you!

  2. I can see how there is not as many hand made crafts anymore at the boutiques, it cost so much for the supplies and all the time you put into making it and you either have to up the prices high or loose all the time you put into it. Luckly i buy alot of second hand supplies so that really helps :)

  3. Hi! I came to visit my newest follower! Thank You! Your blog is really cute. I read through everything and will be happy to follow you, too. I have just started my blog as well and understand how frustrating it is to start learning these things, but I been googling how to every thing and have got some answers.

    The book frames are very cute, and I think you should try to sell them. I understand the frustration of not getting what you want at craft fairs, people act like its a garage sale at times. But just present yourself as a hand crafted artist. People do appreciate this art form!I would much rather buy from a true artisan like you.
    Have fun with your blog!
    Little Susie Home Maker

  4. Hi, if I was in your area I would buy them. I love handmade items. I am trying to talk my hubby into a hand made Christmas or vintage gifts only Christmas. If more of us would demand products made in the USA and stop buying the cheap crap from China maybe our country could become again what it once was and put our workers back to work!! So sorry, I am venting there!! Hugs,

  5. lol... your "forgetfulness" had me laughing cause I can sooooooooo relate!! Those are adorable!!
